Subscription "Waiting for review" status stuck after been approved

We uploaded to App Store Connect a new app version with new subscription groups & items. Everything was approved, and we received the emails from App Store connect, but if we visit our App Store Connect account App, some of these subscription items are still "Waiting for review" for more than 4 days. It has no sense as the email informed us that the new app version and all the items had been approved. The app is online, but some subscription items are not available.

We even uploaded a new app version, it was updated, but the subscription items are still "Waiting for review".

Has anyone faced this problem? How do you solved it? We have contacted App Store Connect but it is pretty difficult to get real assistance, most of the time they reply with template email answers.

Ditto for me. I took the advice in the thread and contacted: I left a callback number and they really called me within two minutes and talked through the problem. The lady submitted a ticket and my issue was resolved in 4 hours. I feel very fortunate. And as frustrating as all this can be with the different quirks, Apple really came through for me this time. Thank you Apple!

I have the same issue. My app is currently live and users are not able to subscribe. This has been the worst app release I've never had.

I contacted apple and they asked me to wait 48h and meanwhile my app is broken. Hopefully I won't get many bad reviews...

My app was also approved but the Subscription Group's English US localisation was rejected, due to which all 3 in app subscriptions were returned. Fortunately it was on manual release. I developer rejected the approved version, resubmitted but there was no way to attach the subscriptions, app was again approved but subscriptions are still "waiting for review".

I contacted App Review Support, their reply was standard that Apple Developer Program Support is looking into this issue.

This is the most absurd issue of AppStoreConnect, how can an app that depends upon IAPs to function be approved without in IAPs being approved.

A comment here said that they got a callback in 2 minutes and issue was resolved within 4 hours after they left their phone number. I did the same, but I guess this facility is only available for first world countries like U.S. and indie devs from 3rd world countries like me can just pray for a miracle to get the issues resolved via email with support team. I mean we pay the same $99 developer fee just like everyone else, what else can we do seriously.

For anyone else who sees this, always do this:

  1. For your first submission or any submission with IAPs attached always keep it on manual release, well always keep an update on manual release, it takes just 2 minutes to login and release the app.
  2. Make sure when you receive submission accepted email check that all IAPs submitted were also approved or not

Otherwise you will end up in a situation just like many here that your app will be on store without IAPs.

I have the same issue.

In the same boat. Submitted the app and the subscription for review (is there any way to "connect them"?) - The app was actually rejected because they couldn't find the subscription because of a server config issue. Fixed the issue and the app was approved. I foolishly assumed that the subscription was approved. It was rejected but with no reason given.

Made some random changes and resubmitted, hoping for the best. I talked to the expedite team and they said that a different team handles the IAP/subscription approvals. I think this structure may be the reason for the headache.

Part of the purpose of app review is to make sure customers can access the subscription and it is not deceptive. Unfortunately it seems like this process has led many to provide a confusing customer experience.

Hope we can see this out-of-sync issue fixed in the near future.

Same here. The app review was accepted and we already launched the app to the store!!! But we found out that we got rejected with the subscription all functions related to subscription are not working.....

Subscription rejected without any notification or hints. Probably a bot gone chaos.

Hopefully Apple fixes this problem.

This is an awful system. Apple, you should really mirror Google here. There's no need to review subscriptions in such depth. The buyer is aware of what he's getting and if anyone were fleecing players with these you'd see a flood of complaints and apps would get taken down. Google is much more lax about all this and it makes for a smoother experience for everyone.

Subscription "Waiting for review" status stuck after been approved