iPhone14 Pro navigator originY strange number 53.667

iPhone 14 Pro:
status bar height : 54
navigator bar originY : 53.667

is this a system bug? it happens on simulator and real device. this may cause some problems when I use the (navigator bar height + status bar height) to calculate the originY of the content view.

for example, i set the content view's originY to 98(54 + 44), but the navigator bar's originY is 53.667, so the content view's originY needs to be 98.667. it will have a gap 0.333px between the navigator bar and the content view.


I use the (navigator bar height + status bar height) to calculate the originY of the content view.

That assumes the navigation bar always abuts the status bar with no gap or overlap, but I don’t know if that relationship has ever actually been documented by Apple. If that happened to be true for past models, it seems not to be true for the iPhone 14 Pro models for whatever reason. Maybe they just want the bottom of the nav bar, including the 1-pixel shadow below it, to fall on an integral point boundary.

Sounds like you should use the bottom edge of the nav bar’s frame as the top of your content view. The status bar frame isn’t relevant to that calculation.