iOS Simulator Feature Request: Add Custom Location Route

It would be really useful if we could import a GPX file and simulate a custom route. Alternatively, add a sea route as one of the available trip simulations (under Features > Location), with the device starting from a port and ending at the same or different port.

I am aware that a custom route can be manually added through Xcode, but I cannot run my application via VS Code and still use the custom route I created. Having the feature available directly through the iOS simulator, similar to how Android emulators can add a custom route, would be especially convenient.

As you say, this feature already exists in Xcode.
One advantage of having it in Xcode (rather than the Simulator) is that it can also be used with a real device.

I think it's unlikely that Apple would go out of their way (reducing, or duplicating functionality) to support VS Code, but you never know!

I agree that this functionality should also be included in the Simulator.

I'm developing a Flutter app and if I debug under Xcode I loose all the debug features.

Also, the fact that the simulator only includes a few arbitrary default tracks around the Apple building make its utility very limited.

iOS Simulator Feature Request: Add Custom Location Route