Apple Maps Not Calling handlerForIntent for INListCarsIntent


I've done everything required to implement this intent, but when I run either in the simulator or on the device the handlerForIntent does not get called when Maps runs and I click on my Profile icon to try and get the 'Vehicles' option to show up. I know handlerForIntent is working because it's getting called for my custom event for Siri shortcuts. I've added INListCarsIntent to the IntentsSupported list in my extension's info.plist file. I've also included the protocol in my INExtension subclass and added the relevant functions for returning the vehicle list. I've also made the call for Siri authorization, which is returning Authorized.

I'm really at a loss to know why Maps isn't calling out this intent. I'm on iOS16 and XCode 14.



I logged a TSI a week ago for this, but still haven't heard anything. Am I really the only one using this feature?

Did you find how to use this? I tried the same but it's not called.