Missing or invalid signature. The bundle 'com.firebase.Firebase-nanopb' at bundle path is not signed using an Apple submission certificate

After upgrading to Xcode 14 I cannot submit an update to one of my apps that uses the GoogleMobileAdsSDK. I'm getting the following error when I try to submit to the App Store:

Missing or invalid signature. The bundle 'com.firebase.Firebase-nanopb' at bundle path 'Payload/PATH_HERE/nanopb.framework' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate.

Anyone else getting this and know of a solution?

Huh when I added an updated copy of GoogleMobileAdsSDK somehow the .xcframeworks got added to the "Embed Frameworks" area in Xcode. Not sure if Xcode did that automatically on drag and drop or if I did it by mistake...but after I removed them from the "Embed frameworks" area uploading worked.

Accepted Answer

Huh when I added an updated copy of GoogleMobileAdsSDK somehow the .xcframeworks got added to the "Embed Frameworks" area in Xcode. Not sure if Xcode did that automatically on drag and drop or if I did it by mistake...but after I removed them from the "Embed frameworks" area uploading worked.

Missing or invalid signature. The bundle 'com.firebase.Firebase-nanopb' at bundle path is not signed using an Apple submission certificate