xcode 14.1 beta NavBar assert errors in console

I know we can usually ignore these but was curious if any others are getting the same 'warnings' when simply pushing a new view controller from the navigationcontroller:

UINavigationBar not configured causing _hasInlineSearchBar to return NO even if an inline search bar is present. Using the UISearchController's traitCollection instead. navigationBar = (null) 2022-09-14 15:45:31.203252-0400 TestingApp[32429:1274680] [Assert] UINavigationBar not configured causing _hasInlineSearchBar to return NO even if an inline search bar is present. Using the UISearchController's traitCollection instead. navigationBar = (null) 

find it odd i dont use a search bar / controller at all. I submitted a feedback, but i dont think i can set _hasinlinesearchbar, i think that is private api. Ill just ignore them for now :)

Thanks for the feedback. It's a known issue, please don't worry about it. By the way, can you tell me the FB number? I'd like to take a look at your report directly.

Got it, thanks!

xcode 14.1 beta NavBar assert errors in console