Error uploading only Mac Catalyst build of App through App Store Connect

Every time I try to upload the Mac Catalyst build of my App to App Store Connect, I get the following error:

Asset validation failed
This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleVersion [3] in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version [8]. Please find more information about CFBundleVersion at (ID: 60d6b17f-ea3e-4e82-a6e6-21c18e6fb9ef)

I have tried updating the version and build numbers in Xcode - still getting the same error. The Info.plist also looks fine - it just contains $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) next to Bundle version.

The kicker is that I'm having no issues with uploading iOS builds - only Mac Catalyst builds. Any help would be appreciated - I've been stuck on this problem for months!

I'm running Xcode 14 on macOS 12.5.1

Accepted Reply

You must define CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION in your target’s Build Settings as a user-defined build setting for it to expand to the desired value in your Info.plist.


You must define CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION in your target’s Build Settings as a user-defined build setting for it to expand to the desired value in your Info.plist.

Thank you, that solved the issue! I think it's still sort of buggy behavior that setting the build number in General settings of target doesn't work for this.

For anyone else struggling with this error, the problem is that Mac requires the build number to be higher across versions. Here is the relevant text:

Important: For macOS apps, build numbers must monotonically increase even across different versions. In other words, for macOS apps you cannot use the same build numbers again in different release trains. iOS apps have no such restriction and you can re-use the same build numbers again in different release trains.

From this tech note:

Confusingly, it did let me reuse a build number one time, but then balked after that.

  • That's just silly 🤦‍♂️

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