[SKStoreProductViewController sceneDisconnected:] crash on iOS 15.7

  • i have same issue 

  • We are having the same issue. Up until now it was still happening quite a lot on iOS 16, but yesterday the crashes spiked 10 times when they started appearing on iOS 15.7 and will probably continue to rise substantially now that iOS 15.7 and iOS 16 are officially out

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  • Thanks for the explanation!

  • The crash "popup" is still visible to the users when it happens - so it is visible to the users, just in a different way than most crashes. This should still be fixed ASAP because it affects the users experience on iOS 15.7 a great deal. A full 1% of our users for example have already experienced this crash popup in the last week, which is a huge number.

  • I would love to see the 15.7.1 with the fix, given the iOS 16 is not available on some still popular models.


I'm seeing this issue in one of the apps I work on. I saw it first in crashlogs (Bugsnag) in July but last 2 weeks the number of reported crashes skyrocketed. The app doesn't explicitly use the SKStoreProductViewController. It uses UIApplication.shared.open("itms-apps://apps.apple.com/app/appid") and the SKStoreReviewController.requestReview(), I'm not sure which one of these uses the SKStoreProductViewController. What is very odd, the other 2 apps that use the same way to show the other product app pages don't have this crash in their logs. Edit: I saw somebody mentioned the issue could be related to AdMob. This app also uses AdMob, the other 2 apps don't use AdMob.

Able to reproduce a crash with the same stack symbols locally and the code below stops the crash from happening. The code is creating empty functions to handle the unrecognized selector message and restricting this extension to iOS 15.7:

@available(iOS, introduced: 15.7, obsoleted: 16.0)
@objc extension SKStoreProductViewController {
    func sceneDisconnected(_ arg: AnyObject) {}
    func appWillTerminate() {}
  • Hey Chris273...Which file are you adding the above code too?

  • You can add this extension in any file of your app

  • hi guys, a question. if we solve the crash with the code above, is there a possibility of apple's possible solution in the upcoming versions to this crash would lead to crashes as well just because of this code is present and intercepting?

  • Thanks for the explanation!

  • The crash "popup" is still visible to the users when it happens - so it is visible to the users, just in a different way than most crashes. This should still be fixed ASAP because it affects the users experience on iOS 15.7 a great deal. A full 1% of our users for example have already experienced this crash popup in the last week, which is a huge number.

  • I would love to see the 15.7.1 with the fix, given the iOS 16 is not available on some still popular models.

Have the same issue in 15.7 and disappeared in iOS16

Sorry can you confirm is this workaround can fix it for now?

@available(iOS, introduced: 15.7, obsoleted: 16.0)
@objc extension SKStoreProductViewController {
    func sceneDisconnected(_ arg: AnyObject) {}
    func appWillTerminate() {}



  • Yes, this fix works!

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The same issue on iOS 15.7. A small number occurred at 16.0.0

We are also seeing this issue across multiple apps. ADDITIONALLY we are seeing a strongly correlated increase in DuplicateTransaction replies from the app store. is anyone else seeing this increase as well?

Do the developers have to take care of this crash themselves or will there be an iOS 15.7.1 version in which this issue is fixed?

  • There is a 15.7.1 now but I can't find any confirmation if this was fixed there. Hopefully so.

  • Can someone confirm if this will be or is fixed in 15.7.1?

  • Since version 15.7.1 has been released, we see a decrease in crashes in Firebase Crashlytics. Also when filtering on iOS version, 15.7.1 is not in the list. This seems a good indication that Apple has finally resolved this issue in 15.7.1.

Dear Apple, important question: I’m still seeing this a lot on iOS 15.7 and it’s appearing on the App Store Connect crash reports. Will this affect ranking? It’s making up the majority of my crashes

iOS 15.7.1 did fix this crash, but the iOS 15.7.2 beta (at RC as of Dec 7th) has reintroduced this crash. Can we get a rev of 15.7.2 before it ships to re-fix this crash?

  • There is no problem in  iOS 15.7.1. But -  iOS 15.7.2 is the same issue!

  • это эпл детка)!

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15.7.2 reintroduced the crash!

Can we get an update from this from Apple? My crashes are soaring

This is now the single most common crash on all of our iOS users. As mentioned it was fixed and then regressed.

Hi! We are having the same problem in our applications. Hoping Apple will address that in 15.7.* patch release.

It looks like it has been fixed again in iOS version 15.7.3. So far we haven't had any crashes reported with this new version.