I submitted an app that was rejected for the following reason:
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
Okay, no problem. I responded to all of their questions line by line (which by the way, they could have easily verified just by logging out of the account I gave them and creating a new one on their own end--in roughly two minutes--but I suppose my written word is greater than their own empirical experience).
It has now been two days and I still have not received a response back. Should I continue to wait or resubmit?
By the way, the problem seems to stem from not submitting a subscription alongside the review. This was my first app submission, and I still do not know the proper order. If I am to resubmit, do I submit the app without the subscription first, then resubmit the app alongside the subscription, or resubmit the two together at once?
This is very unintuitive.