How to submit Watch companion apps to App Store on XCode 14

In XCode 14 you can create a single Watch App target instead of the "Watch App for iOS App" target before.

XCode 14:

However, as this is no longer an extension, it is apparently not included when you archive the iOS app for distribution.

My question is: How do I include the new Watch target in my submission of the iOS app? I could not find any documentation on this.

(My Watch app is only a companion app and not a stand-alone watch app).

Answered by darkpaw in 727897022

You need to include the extension in the main app's target:

  • Click the blue icon at the top of the project view.
  • Select the main app's target.
  • In the "General" tab, locate "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content".
  • If the Watch app isn't included in the list, click the plus button and select it.

When you build your project for distribution, the watch app will be included. The watch app hasn't been an extension on the iOS app since WatchKit 1, so the move from two targets to one hasn't changed the way the watchOS app is bundled with the iOS app for submission.

Accepted Answer

You need to include the extension in the main app's target:

  • Click the blue icon at the top of the project view.
  • Select the main app's target.
  • In the "General" tab, locate "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content".
  • If the Watch app isn't included in the list, click the plus button and select it.
How to submit Watch companion apps to App Store on XCode 14