identifierForVendor changing between updates again?


I might have stumbled upon a little problem:

It seems like [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString] is returning different values after app update. I haven't confirmed it, but I have a hunch, as we've been using it as a secret for storing our session token, and a lot of users seem to be logged out after updating the app.

I know there has been a similar bug before, but I'm wondering whether or not this issue has just resurfaced recently.

Any hints would be greatly appreciated


I'm storing my data in NSUserDefaults, maybe this bug is kicking in?


The organisation recently changed names, via a support ticket sent to apple. Could this influence the generation of the identifierForVendor?


I vaguely recall something about how you can't rely on successfully accessing NSUserDefault before the App Delegate runs 'didFinishLaunchingWithOptions'.

You wrote:

>The organisation recently changed names

If that means your bundleID for the new app is different then yes, the identifierForVendor will change.

I'd lean towards that being the same bug as linked. Might want to file one and see what comes back.

And there was a brief period in time (May-July 2015) when an iOS was returning a different identifierForVendor - if your users updated during that period then they have a different identifierForVendor. See:

We did not change the bundle-id (that would obviously break everything), but rather the display name of the organisation and how it's shown in the App Store.

  • Nailer did you manage to find out if the cause of the problem was the rename of the organisation? I am facing a similar problem and the change of the name is a possible cause.

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