'The app references non-public selectors in Payload'

Is this due to a bug on Apple's backend? I did not change the source code and trying to update my current app's version for Testflight. Please let me know how I can fix this.

Looks like a bug, better file a feedback using the feedback app.

I am also encountering the same phenomenon.

This is caused by a selector in a third-party library that has the same name as an iOS private selector, but it does not occur in Xcode13, but in Xcode14.

I think it's probably a validation bug for iOS16.

As FB11488329 , I reported it to Feedback Assistant.

Is there a way to fix the issue?

Any update on this? I cannot push to TestFlight because of this

Yeah, we have that as well. Actually not so easy to find out where it comes from. I ended up writing a python script that does an "objdump --syms --demangle" recursively over the entire build folder. Not sure yet whether this is something to worry about or as others pointed out just a bug in the verifier. Our build goes to testflight fine.

I also believed it was preventing me from publishing to testflight but its not. Go look in AppConnect, the build is there.. Ignore and move on for now I guess.

Please check this one it might help you. [https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/714224)

I still experience the same issue during an expo eas submission. This prevents a test-flight submission. Any hints how to start troubleshooting this?

'The app references non-public selectors in Payload'