'The app references non-public selectors in Payload'

Is this due to a bug on Apple's backend? I did not change the source code and trying to update my current app's version for Testflight. Please let me know how I can fix this.

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of taha-dev Down vote post of taha-dev
  • Yeah, we have that as well. Actually not so easy to find out where it comes from. I ended up writing a python script that does an "objdump --syms --demangle" recursively over the entire build folder. Not sure yet whether this is something to worry about or as others pointed out just a bug in the verifier. Our build goes to testflight fine.

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Looks like a bug, better file a feedback using the feedback app.

I am also encountering the same phenomenon.

This is caused by a selector in a third-party library that has the same name as an iOS private selector, but it does not occur in Xcode13, but in Xcode14.

I think it's probably a validation bug for iOS16.

As FB11488329 , I reported it to Feedback Assistant.

  • Even with this warning message, I was able to upload the binary to App Store Connect.

    And it passed the review by Apple and was able to be distributed on the App Store. The delivered app is working fine.

    Since the message is "Distribution completed with warnings" instead of "Distribution failed with errors", it seems that the upload to App Store Connect was successful.

  • My build didn't show up in testFlight...

  • you have issue in :TwitterKit:placelD" please check this and after that you will able to upload

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Is there a way to fix the issue?

Any update on this? I cannot push to TestFlight because of this

  • I am seeing the warning version of the above, in reference to some AWS SDK modules. I can still upload to App Store Connect and distribute via TestFlight.

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I also believed it was preventing me from publishing to testflight but its not. Go look in AppConnect, the build is there.. Ignore and move on for now I guess.

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of j3rm Down vote reply of j3rm

Please check this one it might help you. [https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/714224)

I still experience the same issue during an expo eas submission. This prevents a test-flight submission. Any hints how to start troubleshooting this?

  • how did you resolve this issue

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