Can't Load Image on Apple Watch Complications with New iOS 16 Widget

            .frame(width: 47, height: 47)

sticker5 is a picture with 94px * 94px. This is the size recommended by guideline. The Error is

ComplicationsExtension[403:17806] [archiving] Widget archival failed due to image being too large [2] - (94, 94).

We don't want to use low pixel images. That would look terrible. Please Help!

Same issue here, the XL circular complication must have an image of 286px x 286px, but the image won't load:

2022-09-05 10:09:31.644747+0200 AirWeightWatchWidgetExtension[74587:12832418] [archiving] Widget archival failed due to image being too large [1] - (286, 286).

Feedback ID: FB11453017

I assume you are seeing this issue when archiving your code? Is it an error or a warning?

I have an issue where images are not showing in my widgets, I'm wondering if this is related to what you are seeing or not. Probably not as I can't find any messages like this, but also can't figure out why the images wouldn't load. Everything on the watch is so much more painful than the phone.

Resize the image to width of 50 using this extension

extension UIImage { func resized(toWidth width: CGFloat? = 50.0, isOpaque: Bool = true) -> UIImage { let canvas = CGSize(width: width ?? 50.0, height: CGFloat(ceil((width ?? 50.0)/size.width * size.height))) let format = imageRendererFormat format.opaque = isOpaque return UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: canvas, format: format).image { _ in draw(in: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: canvas)) } } }

to use UIImage.resized then the widget should load

Can't Load Image on Apple Watch Complications with New iOS 16 Widget