MacOS Ventura powerd activity utilizing over 100% CPU

Hi all, I have recently installed the public beta version of Ventura on my 3.1 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 MacBook Pro. My fans were constantly running because of an activity in Activity Monitor “powerd” showing 104% CPU usage.

I tried everything but found it to involve schedules set behind the scenes that wake/sleep the laptop. Without going into too much detail, the following when executed in Terminal will kill/reset the process and actually work. Rebooting, killing the process, and trying other Settings and Terminal solutions failed to yield results.

sudo pmset schedule cancelall

This worked like a charm.

Agree. Found the same solution and explanation here:

Legend! Thank you so much for posting.

The command works, but it seems like every time I reboot the system, the process comes back on, and I have to rerun the command. Weirdly enough, once, when I left my LD on for quite a while, the process suddenly came on. I had to rerun the command, but I feel like there's some hidden schedule causing it to come on at certain times. I've checked my shutdown schedule in System Information, but it doesn't show anything. Weird.

me too

You are a genius, thank you! I’ve been having this issue since Beta 3 on my MacBook Pro 16” Intel.

The above fixed it

The same thing also happens on M1 and M2 Macs, but you would not notice, because the device is not getting hot and the fans are not spinning loudly. I just wanted to mention it, because there are rumors on the web that it only affects Intel based Macs.

Entering sudo pmset schedule cancelall in Terminal works on M1 Macs too...

Luedi's reddit explanation points to a problem with a scheduled event related to …email.SendLaterDelivery The sudo peseta schedule cancelall worked for me too.

powerd taking more than 100% of CPU seems to be fixed in today's public beta update of Ventura... 13.0 Beta (22A5331f) Yay! I'll reboot just to be sure.

It works.. TY... but I wish Apple would fix this bug, it is seriously boring having to enter this every couple of days.

As Ollie had mentioned, the powerd issue finally seems to have been fixed in the latest beta, thankfully.

It was fixed it seems in the prior developer beta but is back after installing beta 8 today

the workaround noted above works at least in the short term

I still have this problem on my MacBook 2019 (1.4 GHz 4 Intel Core i5) with MacOS Ventura 13.2.

Tried to use “sudo pmset schedule cancelall ” or kill the process doesn't work at all.

Now I find that the process called " CAReportingService " has high CPU usage about 100% or so ,it's interesting when I start Siri the fans stopped running immediately.

MacOS Ventura powerd activity utilizing over 100% CPU