StoreKit's isEligibleForIntroOffer returns independently from reality

I have two problems:

  1. Product.SubscriptionInfo.isEligibleForIntroOffer always returns true.
  2. product.subscription!.isEligibleForIntroOffer always returns false.

(product is a random Product with proper App Store-setup.)

This affects production, too. Currently my app offers trial periods for those too, who are not eligible anymore. Is there a working way to determine the eligibility? For sandbox, too?

Can you provide the env, Apple ID, app ID, product ID, example responses/results in ticket?

it is expected the results applies to the Apple ID for the subscription group. If never consumed any type of introductory offer, should be true

reply back with the fb# If you can

Is there a solution for that?

StoreKit's isEligibleForIntroOffer returns independently from reality