Query AppStore lookup for MacOS App Ratings

I've built an iOS App which looks at statistical models of the rate of change of an App's Ratings and Review Counts activity. I use the standard query form of:

let prefix = "https://itunes.apple.com/\(countryCode!)/lookup?id=" let postfix = "&entity=software,iPadSoftware" let result = prefix + "\(devID)" + postfix // URL path

This query results in a JSON object list of all current Apps by the the developer (with ID = devID). The results have iOS, iPadOS, WatchOS, TVOS, and MacOS apps with all the expected data, except the review counts and ratings are always Zero for MacOS apps. I have tried playing with a dozen permutations of <macOS, Mac, MacSoftware, etc> as a query entity. All of those permutation yield zero results.

I know about using AppStoreConnect with Authorization tokens, but I prefer to use public domain data provided by Apple rather than the proprietary route.

Has anyone been successful in grabbing macOS App average ratings and counts? What is the secret sauce?