DataScannerViewController Scan Text is not working

Hi, I'm using XCode 14.0 beta 4 and iOS 16.0 Beta 2, I followed the tutorial on but when I'm trying to scan text, it does not show on the CameraScanner, actually, I think it did not call the func dataScanner but kept showing me the warning message:

Custom words array can only contain strings. Ignoring custome words array.

So in this case I can see the camera and highlight anchor, but I cannot extract the text the VisionKit detected, any workaround? Thanks in advance.


I am able to receive the recognized text in the DataScannerViewControllerDelegate, at least on iOS 16.0 beta 5 (Xcode 14.0 beta 5).

Try beta 5, if that still doesn't work for you, then it is likely an issue in your implementation. Perhaps you didn't actually set the delegate property of your DataScannerViewController?

DataScannerViewController Scan Text is not working