App Store Connect won't let me manage my Testflight builds

Since late last week, it seem I can't manage my Testflight builds, I can upload them, but I cannot manage the compliance, I cannot edit the testing details, I cannot add testing groups to the build.

I have all the correct permissions, just nothing works. I can add new versions and edit them in the Apps section, but I just can't seem to do anything with Testflight.

I have the App Manager, Customer Support and Developer roles for all our apps.

I've tried different browsers, restarting, logging in from a different device, it doesn't work.

I've sent feedback, but I doubt that will get looked at promptly.

With it being holiday season, we have limited people in the office, and we could be in the position where we are blocked from releasing new versions, so this is pretty urgent

I managed to fix the compliance by using the Connect app on an iPhone, but it's less than ideal for doing things like setting the test details, as all the details are on my laptop

App Store Connect won't let me manage my Testflight builds