Hello. I have data I need to add to my new app.
Below is a simple example of my plants and the data I am adding to my app
- Aloe Vera
a. Medicinal Properties (skin healer) b. How to harvest (Cut from the middle) c. How much water does it need (once every three days) d. Recipe (cut the leaf, use the gel inside for your rash)
- Almond
a. Medicinal Properties (skin healer) b. How to harvest (cut the young leaves) c. How much water does it need (daily) d. Recipe (soak in water overnight, rinse, blend)
- Raspberry
a. Medicinal Properties (skin healer) b. How to harvest (cut from mid branch) c. How much water does it need (twice a day) d. Recipe (mix raspberry with coconut water and blend.)
I understand that the above date (information about the four plants) needs to be organized in a Numbers file.
The questions are:
- Where in the app do you import the Numbers file?
- What is the code? I mean the code that you write for this. So when you click on the Raspberry button, the app jumps to another page with four other buttons (Medicinal Properties, How to harvest, How much water does it need, recipe?
- Is there a video that shows this?
Thanks so much for your time.