WeatherKit REST API: missing properties

When migrating my code from the Darksky to the WeatherKit REST API, i am currently missing two properties very much.

With the Darksky API, we had daily.summary and[n].summary which gave a nice textual (localised) summary of the conditions currently and on a given day of the daily forecast.

Now in WeatherKit, there are no corresponding properties: currentWeather.summary and forecastDaily.days[n].summary

These properties are marked "none" in Transitioning from Dark Sky

Will these properties be added (considering this is a beta) or how does Apple suggest i deal with the missing properties?


Yes, this is a big issue for me too. It was one of the unique differentiating factors over other weather APIs and one of the reasons I chose the DarkSky API in the first place.

I'd like to add my voice to the chorus. A short text description would be very helpful; as it is, the best we can do is add spaces to create the 1-2 word phrase in the icon name.

If I may piggyback on this thread because of its relevance, is there any chance that one field (that exists in DarkSky) be added to WeatherKit's WeatherAlerts?

DarkSky's alerts include a string containing a detailed description of each specific alert. Weatherkit, on the other hand, includes only a URL for further details -- and there doesn't seem to be a programmatic way of scraping the contents of that URL for the text. A full detail text would be far more useful.

WeatherKit REST API: missing properties