although i generate a token with a multi day validity, it seems your Rest-API has a fixed validity (expiration) set, because whenever i try to reuse a token after 2 or more days, i get a 4XX-Error, when querying the API.
Is there a fixed limit on the token exp set on your end? Any other limitations on the validity?
When migrating my code from the Darksky to the WeatherKit REST API, i am currently missing two properties very much.
With the Darksky API, we had daily.summary and daily.data[n].summary
which gave a nice textual (localised) summary of the conditions currently and on a given day of the daily forecast.
Now in WeatherKit, there are no corresponding properties:
currentWeather.summary and forecastDaily.days[n].summary
These properties are marked "none" in Transitioning from Dark Sky
Will these properties be added (considering this is a beta) or how does Apple suggest i deal with the missing properties?
Is there a way i can downgrade to the latest Safari 14 for Big Sur?
I accidentally installed Safari 15, not knowing it would come with these horrible new Tabs, which make may daily work as a web developer miserable.