Can't enter app store connect

Hey Everyone, I'm trying to enter my app store connect page to access my app review but every time I try to go in, the link will bounce me back out to the login page again. It kept going on like this in a loop and I can't access my app store connect page even on multiple browsers. Is there a solution for this?

I try clearing the browser cache for both chrome and firefox but the problem still persists. Has anyone experienced something like this before? Any help would be appreciated.

When I try to connect it kept showing me message like this?

Sometime it will be like this as well.

I'm seeing this same issue. Currently unable to login to App Store Connect and Xcode is failing to find App Store Connect credentials.

Here is a quick update everyone. When I do get in, nothing is presented to me. It is just a blank white page??

I now have the same issue as soon as I try to go to apps. It's just blank. I was able to finally upload my app via transporter and it was accepted for internal testing. All day long just trying to submit the app was either never making it in, or would be rejected when processing due to the private api usage issue

Also having this issue! I finally was able to upload the build after the validation 10/private api issue from earlier, but I can only log in for a few seconds at a time currently to connect. My build is there successfully which is good, but I can't actually do anything before it kicks me out again to just a login in page or a blank page as seen above.

Anyone solves this issue yet or have a work around for this?

Same issue on HK from this morning and now too, and I asked my VN team, they can access the appstoreconnect and publish app to testflight group, it seems that region issue on the appstoreconnect today, currently my VN team help operate apple store first

I had some issues earlier. The App Store Connect was displaying empty pages. Now, it is back to normal.

Chrome on Windows shows all web pages normally. However, Safari on Mac only shows the App store connect home page correctly. Then, if you click on "My Apps", "Users and Access", ... they open empty pages.

I found I tried on the mobile browser Firefox with cellular data, and can access the page normal now, but I hotspot to my macbook, still same issue, so weird!!! currently I use the mobile browser Firefox to check the apps :(

This is a DNS problem, maybe some of Apple's server is down, you can change your DNS server to to fix this problem.

Issue resolved now on HK, refresh the site and become normal

I'm still having issue on Chrome

I am still experiencing this issue on both Chrome and Safari, Mac and iPhone. Is there any other way to send our apps for review ?

Location: Portugal Tried changing DNS to as well with no luck.

Can't enter app store connect