HDR Recording with ARKit 6.0

I'm following the instructions in the wwdc2022 video "Discover ARKit 6"

The device is a 12 pro max. ios16 beta 3. xcode 14.0 beta 3

I'm turning on HDR recording.      if #available(iOS 16, *) {       if configuration.videoFormat.isVideoHDRSupported {         configuration.videoHDRAllowed = true         print("turning on HDR")       }     }

The format is: <ARVideoFormat: 0x28126fb10 imageResolution=(3840, 2160) pixelFormat=(420f) framesPerSecond=(30) captureDeviceType=AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera captureDevicePosition=(1)>

The frame (frame.capturedImage) delivered from ARKit does not change.

The pixel format is still. kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange

Am I missing a step?


Hi, video HDR is technically an extended dynamic range mode that combines an under-exposed with a normally exposed image to achieve a higher range overall. As you can turn on and off this setting on an existing video format, it is different from an actual 10-bit HDR format. So it is expected that the pixel format remains the same.

Thanks for the response. Will it be possible to have ARKit 6.0 switch to a 10-bit HDR format or have an additional output format added to the VTCaptureSesssion as was mentioned in the AVFoundationation improvements for iOS 16. My goal is to record the input camera as Dolby Vision HDR equivalent to what the Camera App will produce on the same device. Should it be possible to change the video format on the active AVCaptureDevice or are there any plans to give public API access to the VTCaptureSession in progress?