I'm following the instructions in the wwdc2022 video "Discover ARKit 6"
The device is a 12 pro max.
ios16 beta 3.
xcode 14.0 beta 3
I'm turning on HDR recording.
if #available(iOS 16, *) {
if configuration.videoFormat.isVideoHDRSupported {
configuration.videoHDRAllowed = true
print("turning on HDR")
The format is:
<ARVideoFormat: 0x28126fb10 imageResolution=(3840, 2160) pixelFormat=(420f) framesPerSecond=(30) captureDeviceType=AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera captureDevicePosition=(1)>
The frame (frame.capturedImage) delivered from ARKit does not change.
The pixel format is still.
Am I missing a step?