Restrict existing siri intents based shortcuts for iOS16

Hello, we are trying to implement our app shortcuts using the new App Intents framework. But the problem is existing siri intents based shortcuts also available in shortcuts app which results in duplication of shortucuts.

Is there any way to restrict siri intents based shortcuts for iOS16 and only show app intents based shortcuts in Shortcuts app. We were unable to add any kind of target checks in intent definition file or info plist.

Please provide any suggestions.

Answered by Mohammed Idhiris in 723535022

Looks this issue got fixed in iOS16 beta 5 complied from Xcode 14 beta 5. The intents which are marked with CustomIntentMigratedAppIntent are appeared only once in shortcuts app that too pointed to appintents based shortcut.

I came here to ask the same question, users would be in uproar if we had to drop iOS 15 support for intents just in order to adopt the new method of Shortcuts support, but right now the duplicate intents are a showstopper.

Yes, we are also facing this issue, hopefully there is a workable solution.

Accepted Answer

Looks this issue got fixed in iOS16 beta 5 complied from Xcode 14 beta 5. The intents which are marked with CustomIntentMigratedAppIntent are appeared only once in shortcuts app that too pointed to appintents based shortcut.

Restrict existing siri intents based shortcuts for iOS16