I encountered the following issue without App or Server update.
As the result (SKProductsResponse)
of SKProductsRequest
with my Product IDs, empty request.products
was returned in the delegate of requestDidFinish.
These subscription items are valid, so it will not be returned empty, but the error has occured during the following OS versions.
Also, there was no notification in didFailWithError
of SKProductsRequest.
Billing failure (>= iOS 15.4)
contain the requested Product IDs
Billing success (<= iOS 15.3)
contain the requested Product IDsSKProductsResponse.invalidProductIdentifiers:
OS versions
The issue occurs with the following OS versions.
- iOS 15.4.x
- iOS 15.5.x
note: cannot confirmed the issue with iOS 15.3 or lower so far.
Anyone can help?