WatchOS 9 CallKit audio streaming

WWDC 2022 announced CallKit for WatchOS 9, but didn't explain how to use it. I was able to convert SpeakerBox sample from iOS to WatchOS. The CallKit itself seems works fine, but I stuck with networking issue. I cannot understand how to stream RTP audio. I have background audio enabled. If I configure audio session for CallKit with .playAndRecord category, I cannot specify .longFormAudio policy, as it's not applicable for this category. Without .longFormAudio low lever API is denied ("Path was denied by NECP policy").

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 718313022

You’re likely running Into a bug in Seed 1. Can you please file Feedback with your use case? Thank you!

Accepted Answer

You’re likely running Into a bug in Seed 1. Can you please file Feedback with your use case? Thank you!

Thanks for quick response. Fortunately beta 2 is out recently and I was able to try it. The issue seems fixed! I setup .playAndRecord category as usual without specifying a policy. I can see app is able to make network requests after audio session activated.

WatchOS 9 CallKit audio streaming