My developer account can't log in to xcode.

This device is already associated with other accounts in the Apple Developer Program or the Apple Developer Enterprise Program. Please use a different device.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 717645022

eskimo Can you help me?

No. Developer Technical Support folks don’t have access to the system required to resolve account issues. You’ll need to talk to the folks in Developer Program Support. Start here Apple > Developer > Contact Us and click Membership and Account.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

@eskimo Can you help me?

Accepted Answer

eskimo Can you help me?

No. Developer Technical Support folks don’t have access to the system required to resolve account issues. You’ll need to talk to the folks in Developer Program Support. Start here Apple > Developer > Contact Us and click Membership and Account.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

I'm having the same error, does anyone have a solution?

@CFeng, did you get any information or resolution for this issue? Thanks

Any updates on this or resolutions??


I had the same problem, opening a ticket on the developer portal on behalf of the company I work for and the response was absurd.

In summary they replied that it will be possible to associate only 1 device (MacOS) per developer account in XCode.

If this is Apple's official position, unfortunately, the market for developing apps for apple devices will be brutally affected.

I have been working with the distribution and publishing of Apple apps for over 8 years and I have been following all the changes imposed by apple over the years and I believe that this is the one that will have the most impact on the application publishing routine, making the distribution of apps almost impracticable.

Hello Fahad,

My name is Nathalie, and I am a senior Advisor with Apple Developer Program Support. I have been given your case for review, and I will be your contact for this request from here on. I’m sorry to hear that you are not able to proceed with your project with your device as it is already registered on a different membership. However, the error message received is expected. I also reviewed your membership, and could not find any Mac registered. I understand that you deleted accounts from the organizer as well as from the key chain. However, please note that the issue is that the device is registered on a different membership. As a result, it is on the membership where it is already registered that it must be deleted. Please, use a different device, as instructed, or remove the device from the existing Apple Developer Program membership. This is the reply i got from apple.

Hi all,

Having the same problem here.

We develop apps (agency) and surely this cannot be true whereby we cannot log in to submit apps for our customers using a unique development device?

Is this really what this error is suggesting, that we cannot develop for multiple customers using the same devices? If so, I agree with the comments above whereby this really will be the death of development on Apple.

Anyone else have any info?


@eskimo Appreciate that you do not have access to resolve account issues, but this does not seem to be related to accounts, more that there has been a change whereby developers are now unable to log into users accounts to submit the apps via Xcode if the device is present on other accounts (which it will be).

Where can one see any changes that have been made in regards to this and how should we report this to Apple (as a developer) as it does not directly relate to any particular account?

Apple have suggested to me that I refer this back to the customer to report, but if the error message relates to our devices (used to publish the customers app via Xcode) then surely the customer is going to be told it does not relate to their account or device and we're going to be in a loop.

Who/How should we log this with Apple?

Thank you.


We have the same problem!

It started suddenly, why is it just now?

We are an agency that develops apps for several other companies.

Another question, are you able to unlink our device from all other accounts?



I'm the same as a lot of people here. Work at an agency and we can't develop apps at all.

Even if this is a recent policy change it something we could all do with knowing so we can act on it, but it seems we're all in limbo at the moment.


I have the same issue. I have also tried to contact Apple but so far no response. They have modified something without any announcement which is unfair, and something like this should have been announced months ago.

Thank you

Faced The same issue guys! Solution is as simple as stupid: Go to xcode-preferences-acccount, then go to manually sign in to all the accounts listed. Then simply delete your device from them. It worked for me. For future i will try to work mostly through invitations and development team and always delete my device from someone's apple id before signing out.

The error has disappeared for us from this morning...

I found a new way to solve this problem. You don't have to logout any accounts on XCode. Just create a new user of your macos and login to the new user which you created. then open xcode, login to the developer account which you cannot login in before.

My developer account can't log in to xcode.