So I have an app on the store that has renewable subscriptions in a SAAS buisiness model. An issue I'm running into is trying to decide the best way to check the status of a subscription.
Currently I have 3 subscription lengths 1month, 3months, and a year. I have my app ask to refresh the receipt every month to make sure the subscription is still valid and pull down the latest receipt and check their subscription status. Every time I refresh the receipt (using SKReceiptRefreshRequest) the user gets a prompt to sign into the store to download the receipt (this is my main issue). Once downloaded, I then validate it with Apple via my server. Is there a better way to do the receipt refresh? If I don't check periodically people could get a lot of free time using the service, but the password prompt is so invasive and annoying...
I found this:
the second answer suggests that the [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions] will trigger a silent refresh to the receipt so that the [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL] won't be nil, which is why I have to call the SKReceiptRefreshRequest in the first place. Has anyone used this method in an app that's on the store for receipt refreshing?