Dext bundleID must be prefixed by installer's?

Xcode 14.0 beta (14A5228q) refuses to build a DriverKit extension's installer app unless the dext's bundleID a single . suffix added to the bundling app's bundle ID. The error is

error build: Embedded binary's bundle identifier is not prefixed with the parent app's bundle identifier.

Is this behaviour intentional? Maybe it makes sense for non-driverkit bundled things, but it breaks existing software, invalidates existing dext bundle IDs and leads to awkward bundleIDs like


oops, the feedback was FB10244046

This is a requirement enforced by iPadOS, thus why you are seeing this error in Xcode. If you are attempting to create a non-iPadOS dext, and still seeing this error, please update your feedback request with that information.

This is a requirement enforced by iPadOS, thus why you are seeing this error in Xcode. If you are attempting to create a non-iPadOS dext, and still seeing this error, please update your feedback request with that information.

I can reproduce with macOS only projects. I've updated the feedback.

Not resolved with Xcode 14 beta 2

This is resolved (for mac targets) in Xcode beta 3!