Is it true, no OpenAL in iOS9?

The iOS 9 API notes say it's been removed. All of my music apps use it...

i've done some preliminary work on porting to AVAudioEngine but if this is true, I have an entire catalog of currently stable apps to rewrite.

Or, is this a case where it will still be there for legacy apps, but if I target iOS 9 for my builds, I can't use OpenAL?

It was still there on the audio slides from WWDC 2015.

Anyone have any more information? Looks like I may spend my Christmas vacation moving all my apps to AVAudioEngine.

So, removed as in all previous apps that use OpenAL crash?

Oddly no - my games use OpenAL and they seem to run fine (music and sounds).

A delete API cannot be used if your SDK are the version who have been removed it.

An application compilated with iOS 8 SDK can run correctly on iOS 9, and use these API. But, if you change the SDK to iOS 9, then, your app cannot compile.

That Is encouraging news!

The current version of Xcode 7 does include all Frameworks APIs for openAL. I can compile my apps even with latest SDK.

We are talking about pre-release stuff here and things can change of course but from everything I'm currently aware of OpenAL is not going anywhere just yet and I'm not sure why it's listed as "Removed".

We have officially stated that AVAudioEngine is our recommended API for spatial audio (see AVAudioEngine In Practice but it does take more than a year for the older API to disappear. You would generally see it marked as "Deprecated" first in an SDK giving a big hint of the future (and plenty of development time) before any type of removal happens.

Glad to hear you've already been doing some porting and I think your Christmas is saved.

Using OpenAL from Swift within Xcode 7 beta 2, import OpenAL.AL causes the following error:

error: umbrella header 'OpenAL.h' not found

error: could not build Objective-C module 'OpenAL'

Maybe OpenAL framework exists, but not ready for use as module.

I'd like to add that many games (probably thousands?) are built using cocos2d-iphone 3.x, which uses OpenAL via ObjectAL ( for sound. Some people running on cocos2d-iphone 2.x, an older version of the API, may also be using OpenAL/ObjectAL for sound since the library it came with (CocosDenshion) is a bit buggy.

There is a thread on the cocos2d forums discussing it:

Is it true, no OpenAL in iOS9?