PushToTalk: Issues with beginning transmission

Hi, trying to implement a simple PushToTalk app but I cannot seem to begin transmitting. When I start a transmission programmatically in my app in the foreground:

self.channelManager.requestBeginTransmitting(channelUUID: channelUUID)

This throws an error:

Error Domain=com.apple.pushtotalk.channel Code=1 "(null)"

Which seems to map to the appNotForeground error? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/pushtotalk/ptchannelerror/code

When I try transmitting from the background, nothing happens at all. Any thoughts?


Error Domain=com.apple.pushtotalk.channel Code=1 "(null)"

This is actually error code: case channelNotFound = 1


So you'll need to ensure you call requestJoinChannel(channelUUID: UUID, descriptor: PTChannelDescriptor)

Before calling self.channelManager.requestBeginTransmitting(channelUUID: channelUUID)

Yep spotted my mistake with the foreground transmitting, but background transmitting doesn't seem to be working in iOS beta 1. To replicate:

  1. Join a channel
  2. Background the app
  3. Press the blue pill in the top left to bring up the PTT system UI
  4. Pressing the transmit or leave channel button does not fire any of the delegate callbacks
  5. When you foreground the app, the delgate callbacks fire

Based on the behaviour I am seeing, I assume the PTT framework rejoins an existing channel between app launches unless leave is explicitly called?

And to update on the foreground transmitting, I am still getting the channelNotFound error even though I am requesting transmission in the didJoinChannel delegate function.


Tried sample application just to setupChannelManager and joinTheChannel, but for some reason PTChannelManager initialised successfully but with NO channelUUID

Xcode Configuration wise, we have done the following things,

  1. New PushToTalk Capability added for our application-identifier [ Apple Dev account]
  2. New PushToTalk BackgroundMode is enabled
  3. APNS capability added
  4. Microphone Permission entry added in pList
  5. We have the below required entitlements

    a> com.apple.developer.push-to-talk     b> aps-environmentdevelopment

Could you please help here and see whether anything we are missing which is resulting in NULL channelUUID

within didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method

[PTChannelManager channelManagerWithDelegate:self restorationDelegate:self completionHandler:^(PTChannelManager * _Nullable manager, NSError * _Nullable error) {     

NSLog(@"Active Channel ID = %@", [[manager activeChannelUUID] description]);




We think we have resolved some bugs affecting this functionality in recent betas.

Please try again on the latest iOS 16 Beta.

Adding requestBeginTransmitting inside a delay seems to get rid of the error. This seems odd?

PushToTalk: Issues with beginning transmission