How to open specific app clip settings in Swift?

My app clip needs to access the camera so need to redirect users to the settings if access is denied, however the regular method of calling

    let url = UIApplication.openSettingsURLString;
    if let appSettingsURL = URL(string: url) {

doesn't seem to take app clips into account and just lands people in the base Settings page. It works fine if directly deploying to a device, but when testing via TestFlight it's installed under the AppClips subsection instead.

Is there a way to get users directly into Settings -> AppClips -> AppName?

@JJY, did you #filefeedback for this? The documentation for the openSettingsURLString describes "app" so my guess is that the behavior is expected. That having been said, I agree it would be nice to direct the user to correct permission issues if they want to access a feature they previously denied authorization for. I just filed mine requesting app clip settings url: FB10346783

How to open specific app clip settings in Swift?