App Store Connect

Hello. My App Store Connect is not working. I open and login to my account but when I press the apps button, it gives me error Something Went Wrong and it says I have no apps but I have 3 apps already.

On the Apple Developer System Status Page, it shows App Store Connect and it's API is having trouble. May I know who else is having problems with App Store Connect?

+1 ... Apple development sucks these days: No receipt generation in sandbox after exit(173), no Apple, that's no way to treat contributors to your platform, where's your QA...?

Hi, I am experiencing the same issue right now. The issue is probably Apple's side (as usual). They have the gall to send me an email that there was an issue with my app submission (which there probably isn't and App Reviewer just feels like messing with me today). But they send me that email, with a link to a broken page... Nice Apple, great stuff. There has been WAY more silly little issues like this with Apple Development, compared to the Android side of life. I will ALWAYS think of Apple as lesser than.

+1 App Store Connect is generally unusable for me right now.

Apple I'm infuriated! We demand better service!

App Store Connect