Distribution failed with error: App Store Connect Operation Error

Hello I'm uploading my app to appstore connect, but it fails with the following Error.

`Distribution failed with error: App Store Connect Operation Error

We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again. With error code RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED for id (null) `

This is my first upload after updating Xcode to 13.3.1

same in tunisia, i hope apple send to their users of forum, about any thing did or will happen.

Same here from Nigeria

Wow, looks like this is raging around the world. +1 in Japan

Same in Serbia

Same in the mittlere kahlgrund

Same in Switzerland

Same in US through xcodebuild as well

Same issue in Brazil =[

Same issue in the India.

Same issue in the India.

Same issue in Vietnam (Xcode 13.2.1)

Same issue in France.

same issue in Poland

I succeed with Transporter...

Same issue in Spain

Italy, same.

It just worked for me. You could try again.

Same here from Turkey. Tried twice, both the same. I'm using fastlane and not doing anything else, just trying to push a build as usual.

Facing the same issue here in US region, I've been trying to upload a new version but the app store error keeps on repeating, please fix it as soon as possible.

Same issue in the Kazakhstan

Same error in Brazil

Same in Spain, I have been trying it all morning and I have not been able to upload the version to the testflight yesterday at 5:00 p.m. it was perfect, please fix this ASAP

I faced the same issue in Tunisia

Same Issue in UAE, Any online health-check available from Apple?

I hope this will be fixed soon!

Distribution failed with error: App Store Connect Operation Error