Error Analyzing App Version

I'm getting this error when trying to distribute/validate my app (every version of it):

I have a developer account and a distribution certificate, and have had no problems uploading many versions of my app until today.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Answered by in 713181022

Thank you all for reporting the issue. The App Store Connect engineering teams are investigating. The System Status Page is also updated. You can follow this thread for any updates.


Yes, I have been experiencing this over the past few hours.

For me it has been sporadic, as often it is failing with this error message displayed, however occasionally it has passed this point and moved on to the subsequent steps in the validation.

I have the same

Any solution to this? I have been getting the same error.

I have the same Who can help me Urgent urgent

I have the same error : flutter app

same here!

same here

same here!

same!!!, What happened?

I have the same issue.

Same problem!

Experiencing the exact same issue as well. I've never had this issue before until today.

same here!

Same here as well.

Likewise. Just changed bundle id and all certs so assumed it was related to that.

Seems not!

Error Analyzing App Version