Error Analyzing App Version

I'm getting this error when trying to distribute/validate my app (every version of it):

I have a developer account and a distribution certificate, and have had no problems uploading many versions of my app until today.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Answered by in 713181022

Thank you all for reporting the issue. The App Store Connect engineering teams are investigating. The System Status Page is also updated. You can follow this thread for any updates.


same error hear

same here.

Same error here

Same issue here. Can't find solution.

After facing a myriad of other issues with provisioning profiles and signing certs almost this whole work day, I have gotten to this stage. I have been trying to figure out what I have done wrong, but turns out the issue is Apple side? Kudos Apple, kudos. I quite literally HATE when i get a task having anything to do with Apple Development. I am going to remove the fact that I know Apple Development from my resume so future employers don't subject me to this horrible company's practices.

Same error for me...

Same error here, Apple does not answer on its forum ?

I had the same problem. You have to retry multiple times and sometimes it works. It's an issue on Apple side, you don't need to do anything, just retry with the same Archive, time by time.

Seems like they fixed it and it is working again

Delete current AppleID from Xcode -> Restart Xcode -> Add AppleID again -> Reselect Team in Signing&Capabilities and then create a new build

After doing nothing but waiting, i was finally able to get a build onto testflight - looks like they fixed their s***

I tried to download the Apple Developer Certificates again. I also added 1 to the build version. It worked for the App Version Check, but failed in the next steps

Im having same problem. the funny thing is that I uploaded app 1 day ago successfully

Still not working here...

It looks like it's just Apple Servers being down / overloaded / having issues. It randomly worked for me once earlier today after giving this error a few times, then now I'm still getting the error repeatedly, and the one time it got past this error it just failed uploading later with another issue. Just try again in a few hours would be my best guess....

Same here...

Still not working

I'm getting this on all my app submissions now. Still not fixed for me

same here

Same here

still not working :(

same here

Since it's most likely some Apple server issue, I'd recommend not to change/delete/restart anything. Best just wait it out.

How is this still broken? Hopefully they will have it fixed soon...

Same here.. a day of work wasted to understand the problem...

Error Analyzing App Version