This seems to be a sandboxing issue but the solution is not so obvious ...
Our sandboxed Audio unit extension requires a permanent folder in which to store a database which can be used by all instances of the AU.
Where can we store the database in a directory so that the AU can find it regardless of which host app it's running in ?
The AU supports loading in-process.
The problem we have is that when the AU is running in-process in a sandboxed host app URLs to the usual directories ( ~documents, shared, app support etc ) all resolve to the sandbox container.
But when the AU is hosted in a non-sandboxed host ( ie. Logic Pro ) the URLs resolve to the actual user folder. (~/users/***/documents etc )
How can the AU automatically obtain a URL that will always resolve to the same place, will be permanent, wont be hidden from the user AND still remain “legal” for distributing in the App Store?