Update nor showing up in AppStore

Even after being 'Ready for sale' for 12 hours now, an app update is still not showing up in the AppStore for some reason... The AppStore delivers the previous version, although everything seems to be fine in iTunes Connect. The new version is 'Ready for sale' and I already tried to remove the app from sale and added it back again, but that does not make a change. All contracts are fine, all dates are set properly. It seems to me that the update somewhere hangs in the process of getting live...

Anybody else with the same trouble? Any idea how to kick the update to finally appear on the AppStore?

We are having the same issue. It has been over 24 hours while the new version is still not available on App Store.

It looks like a problem affecting all developers worldwide.

Will Apple fix the problem soon??

We plan to carry out campains with new version. Now it may be delayed and suffer from loss.....!!

Our update was Ready for Sale in iTC on early Saturday. It's still not showing up in Appstore through the whole weekend!

Please! Does Apple have any monitoring on app synchronization status? Will any guy resolve the sync failure after it's been failing for days?

Thank you!

Two days now 'Ready for sale' but the old version is still on the AppStore. Good to know that I am not the only one seeing that. Please, Apple. get taht fixed soon. The expedited review they gave me is senseless now that the app is still not live after 2 days... :/

I contacted Apple two times now, but I doubt they work on weedends. Their monitoring page at


does now list any problem, but: to be honest: I never saw that site showing any problem at all in the past. 😉 This is really a pain: they had trouble with adding new builds to iTunes connect last week, and now all new versions seem to hang in the middle of nowhere. iTunes connect lists customer reviews for the (un-released) version. I wonder how that can be... 😁

Problem still exists! 😠

Our update approved 3 days ago but still not updated at App Store. Is there anyone facing that issue ?

Yes, same here. Apple replied this:

"We are currently investigating the issue you reported with the app name "XXXXX". Please reply to this email if the issue persists beyond 3 p.m. GMT tomorrow."

Did you contact them? If others report the issue Apple might be faster with resolving the problem...

Having the same problem. My app update was "Ready for Sale" about 13 hours ago, but the App Store is still showing an old version.

UPDATE: I got this resolved in a few hours after contacting developer support.


My new app not showing up in AppStore even after being 'Ready for sale' for 36 hours now 😟

I have the same problem, i thought it was only me, the app was approved the same day but now have 24 hours in ready for sale, before only took a few hours, hope gets fixed soon

We're having the same issue. Released a new version of https://pdfviewer.io/ at around 8AM UTC and now 11PM UTC it's still now showing up.

Update: We've pinged the iTunesConnect team and they re-triggered propagation of our app - it worked this time. All resolved from our end

(it took 2 extra days in the end to get the app out, but since review was so fast it was acceptable.)

Am having the same issue. App's been "Ready for Sale" for 48 hours and yet the new version is still not showing up in App Store.

This is still a major issue -- we had our app build expedited for review which was approved for a critical bug fix BUT it is taking hours to propagate into the app store! Apple you really need to fix your processes. it cannot take over 4 hours to propagate a critical fix to an app into your store.

The Google Play store only takes a matter of minutes to push an update live into the Play store. Such a poor experience for developers that need to get a critical fix into the app store urgently.

One of our app updates seems to be having an issue today as well; it went to ready for sale status in itunesconnect 10 hours ago but doesn't seem to be available on the appstore yet. Seems like Apple go through occasional phases of this being a problem.

same issue here.. sadly no support in INDIA???

Hello everyone.

I am facing the same issue. I have just sent an email to Apple support.

My app is "ready for sale" since 23 hours ago.


Ditto, we just experienced this in our latest Fuze Mobile 5.7.0 release. The app shows 5.7.0 Ready for Sale on App Store Connect, however the App Store still shows the prior version 5.5.0 published 2 months ago. It has been 24 hours.

I normally always choose to Distribute manually. But this time, I decided to Distribute automatically. It's the only time ever I select automatic distribution, to supposedly distribute faster... it ironically backfired.

I reached out to Apple Support from the App Store Connect site > Contact Us link at the bottom of the page > App Set Up and Distribution > Binary Delivery and Processing (or any category besides Other) > Phone Call with an Apple Support rep in under a minute.

I am currently on the Apple Support call. I referenced this thread to the rep, saying the suggested resolution if for Apple to retrigger the distribution of the app as mentioned above on this thread. I'll update with resolution.

Update: the Apple rep spoke to the supervisor, she confirmed they are currently experiencing issues with app distribution. We are not the only app that has hit this. They are working on resolution, and looking to re-propagate the app versions that are stuck.

She asked to sit tight and wait, the issue should be resolved in the next 24 hours. Otherwise she asked that I call them again tomorrow same time.

oh wow.. thank you for sharing!

my app has been "released" for over 21 hours now and still not showing up...

edit: ironically it's the first time I selected "automatic release" as well to get the app released faster.... 😢

edit2: they should clearly consider updating their status page, which still lists everything in green - https://developer.apple.com/system-status/

We're currently experiencing the exact same situation with an update of our app. It's quite a pitty because our official release is planned for Monday and we need to get that update going live now.

Im having the same issue multiple apps. I released an app on April 15th, it took two days and Apple intervention to show up. I released another app update yesterday morning and still not showing up 1.5 days later. In the past updating the promotions field forces a reindex and the app shows up shortly. This time no luck. I have 26 apps and have not seen this issue until recently. Did Apple just hire a bunch a newbies? I gave up on contacting support after my last experience..

Same here. Got one app approved and Ready for Sale yesterday, May 15. And now the second app got approved this morning and yet doesn’t show up. Apple servers status shows nothing (((

Same here , Update got approved and Ready For Sale since 27 hours and still showing the old version on the AppStore.Tried to remove from sale and release again but not fixed. Called Apple Support and asked to wait for the end of the day. The has has ended but issue still persists.

Same here, app updated is ready for sale for 48 hours and still not visible on the store.


It's now been 48 hours, and the published version of our app is still not showing on the App Store. I contacted Apple Support again today, after they told me yesterday to wait 24 hours and call them again.

They told me the same thing today that they said yesterday. "There is nothing we can do, you have to wait another 24 hours." At which I said this is unacceptable, I have thousands of customers, hundreds of thoursands of end users awaiting our update, I cannot simply keep telling them "Wait another 24 hours" every day. The rep then tried to patch me to a supervisor, but even she was placed on hold for 10 minutes, and came back to apologize to me that she could not get ahold of a supervisor herself. Apparently she is going to escalate this using email, because doing it over the phone is not working.

Short of it is, we are still on the old version 48 hours later.

I tweeted about it here https://twitter.com/hadic_lb/status/1129449614430617600 to the @AppleSupport and @AppStore accounts, in case that can help raise visibility on how blocking this is for us and other app developers. Feel free to share and pile on.


Our new release is finally propagated on the App Store. It may have been the email escalation suggested by the rep that helped make it happen.

Update nor showing up in AppStore