Does our app have to be a Mac App?

For the Swift Student Challenge it says that it must run on MacOS or iPadOS as a Swift Playgrounds App. I have been working on an iOS app in XCode as a Swift Playgrounds App. I assumed MacOS just meant we were working on the app on Mac XCode which in hindsight could be a massive misinterpretation.

I know we have to use Swift Playgrounds App. Do we have to create a Mac app or an it be an iPhone app that runs on the XCode simulator on a Mac? And if it is an iPhone app that runs on a simulator, is there a specific iPhone simulation being used? The description specifies that iPadOS must be optimized for all models- does that imply that an iOS does not have to?

MacOS is a choice.

You can either:

  • run on iPad (read all that is required)
  • or run on MacOS if Xcode 12.3

But you can propose an iPad only if you wish.

The decision of whether your app needs to be a Mac app or not depends on your target audience and the platform you want to release it on. If your app is designed specifically for Mac users and relies on Mac-specific features or functionality, then it would be necessary to develop a Mac app.

However, if your app does not require any Mac-specific features and can run on other platforms such as Windows, Android, or iOS, then you might consider developing it as a cross-platform app. In this case, you would use a framework or development tool that allows you to create an app that can run on multiple platforms.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your target audience and the features and functionality your app requires. If you are uncertain, you might consider researching your target market and conducting user surveys to determine whether a Mac app or a cross-platform app would be the best choice. Regards: [Webteknohaber]

Might be a bit late, but it depends on what you want to do. The options however are just for what platform you built the app on. It has to be a Swift Playground (.swiftpm) file.

Does our app have to be a Mac App?