App Store Connect Operation Error: expired profile

Today, we got a problem when uploading app to appstore: App Store Connect Operation Error: expired profile, even though the profile is valid.

Same for me. I have been battling with profiles and certificates all morning. I get the following error

Invalid Provisioning Profile Signature. The provisioning profile included in the bundle 'xx.xx.xx' (Payload/ cannot be used to submit apps to the iOS App Store until it has a valid signature from Apple. (Expired profile signing certificate.) For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90165 for id ***

When I build in Xcode, it says my iOS Team Store Provisioning Profile: (Expires 21/9/22). My Apple Development certificate in the Keychain expires on 10/9/22

I can't find anything expired. As Xcode, Keychain, and the online developer account use different terms for things, I am totally lost as to what the error is actually due to or what I am expected to do (if anything).

I have the sample problem. My production provisioning file and certificate expires on 18/1/23.

I am also facing same issue. Hope apple fixes it soon. :-(

I am also facing same issue. Hope apple fixes it soon.

Us too, looks like someone has gone hooky ahead of the scheduled maintenance yesterday

Just out of curiosity what xcode version is everyone on? We are on 13.1

I'm on Version 13.3.1 (13E500a)

Same issue with Xcode 13.3 and Fastlane/pilot

same here

Same here. Our certificate is not expired.

EDIT: Seems to be working again after I created a new signing certificate (iOS Distribution (App Store and Ad Hoc)) as well as a new App Store provisioning profile.

Had to switch to manual signing in Xcode to be able to select the new profile.


It looks like the following 2 certs expired yesterday:

Apple iPhone OS Provisioning Profile Signing

Apple iPhone Certification Authority

I expect that's related

Same for me. It seems something wrong with the apple's server. After I changed both the project's automatic signing settings to unchecked, the archive upload succeeded.

  1. Go to Profiles in Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles in Apple Developer.
  2. Click your app's profile with App Store type.
  3. Edit & Save.
  4. Redownload resaved profiles manually from Xcode Preferences > Accounts > your account.
  5. I could solve this issue by this.

Same for me. Also, tried to regenerate distribution profile but did not solve the problem.

FYI - After refreshing the Provisioning Profiles (using the same signing certificates), I got an ITMS-90035 error when delivering with Transporter. After spending the past few hours trying to understand what's wrong and not finding anything, I just tried to upload the same build as this morning; It uploaded without issue.

Seemed to fix the issue by recreating the Apple Distribution Certificate.

Xcode > Preferences... > Accounts > Manage Certificates... > + > Apple Distribution.

I was having issues getting manual signing to work, so ultimately that didn't do it for me. I got it working unscientifically, but ultimately I think these things helped:

  • in Keychain Access I deleted all my expired certificates
  • like the person above me said: Xcode > Preferences... > Accounts > Manage Certificates... > + > Apple Distribution.
  • after having it set to manual signing and it not working I turned manual signing back on. It told me I didn't have a team selected (I did) so I selected "None" for team and then selected my team again
  • as always: delete derived data, clean build

Same here. Edited and saved provisioning profiles and re-associated them with certificates, and looks to be working again. Suspect there's something that changed on Apple's servers.

I just recreated the provisioning profiles (edit, rename, save, download) and then uploaded and it worked. Another thing, while I was having the problem before fixing it, I had a previous build in TestFlight which was built with the previous provisioning profiles, so I tried to release it. It failed and I got an email saying that the profiles are invalid. So it seems like a bot at Apple (either software or human) revoked something that was used to validate the profiles. One of the reports in this thread suggests that this was reverted.

Just clicking edit, next, and download worked, didn't need to do any modification to profile

We had the same issue yesterday, we could not upload a build of our new game to Testflight and were getting the provisioning error. We also had builds of 3 other games that had previously been uploaded to Testflight ok but when we went to push them into Apple review they would all fail with an "invalid binary" error.

Today we tried again and without doing any changes it seems to be working again. We were able to upload that new build and I re-submitted those previous invalid binaries and they now seem to have gone into Apple review again.

The issue is already fixed by apple.

This issue is already fixed by Apple.

App Store Connect Operation Error: expired profile