Unable to upload Watch App screenshots to App Store

I'm trying to update our app, but every time I try to upload screenshots for our Watch App it just freezes and never finishes uploading the picture. The progress indicator on the image just gets stuck in place at about 10% and there are tons of Javascript errors.

I wrote Apple and gave them all the logs and errors but they haven't fixed it and won't even tell me if/when it will be fixed. I've been having this problem for over 2 months now and am unable to submit app updates, which is a big problem. Anyone else having this problem? Anything I can try?


Excuse me if that is a basic question. Do you create the screenshot with Cmd-S in simulator ?

  • No, in Photoshop. I tried saving it in many different ways. But open to any other suggestions.

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The javascript response I get when I add the image is:

{ "errors" : [ { "id" : "778abcb3-8491-443e-000c-c42366e703d0", "status" : "409", "code" : "STATE_ERROR", "title" : "The request cannot be fulfilled because of the state of another resource.", "detail" : "Screenshot Set with type APP_WATCH_SERIES_3 Already Exists!" } ] }

Not sure what that means, I don't have any Apple Watch screen shots in the update.

I wrote Apple and gave them all the logs and errors but they haven't fixed it and won't even tell me if/when it will be fixed. 

Can you please post the Feedback number of the issue you reported?

  • I contacted Apple support, I didn't file it as a bug or feedback. I only have a case number if you want that?

  • I tried to submit it as feedback but that also hangs with the message "Preparing" and never actually submits it. I tried multiple computer, browsers, and even different internet connections.

  • I was able to submit it, feedback ID: FB9989352

Hi, I am having the exact same issue. It seems that their server went into a bad state and cannot process the screenshots. Did someone managed to fix this issue?

I cannot upload any screenshots other than Watch Series 3. Although I've removed all our old screenshots of Series 3, the appstoreconnect website still tells that "You've already added Series 3 screenshots", and "In order to add other models ... you need to remove Series 3". But there're zero Series 3 screenshots left. We're totally blocked.

  • Have you been able to fix this? We're in series 6 trying to upload series 8 and it's not working.

  • Did you remove all screenshots that are in other languages? I could upload another size of screenshots, but only 1 size is allowed.

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