My app requires location to work, submission has been rejected because of Guideline 5.1.5

Hi everyone,

The app I’d like to submit aim to fetch topics around user’s location.

So all the app is based on current gps coordinates and it needs it only to fetch matching topics.

However, App Store Review keep rejecting the app even after I have explain the all concept. Their reply : “Thank you for your response and for providing context regarding the location requirements. However, it is not appropriate for your app to require the user to provide access to their location.”

What can I do to fix their decision ?

thanks for your help,

What does your app do if the user declines location permission? Is the problem that they require it to work in some sense even if location permission is denied? At a minimum it mustn't crash. Consider using a default location (e.g. your home town) if necessary.

Hi, based on their response they either believe that it is not relevant that your app needs the users location to give personalized suggestions, or they are missing some information like a good NSLocationUsageDescription. Either way two things you can try to improve your review:

  • Check that the user can opt out of using their location - then just display random topics and tell the user that for more personal results they need to grant location access.
  • Make sure that you are only asking for LocationWhenInUse permission and not LocationAlwaysPermission as the second option needs a proper reason to be used in an app.

When all of the above is met make sure that you tell the user exactly why you need their location. For Instance show a splash screen and explain what the location permission is for and why it is a good idea to grant access to it.

Hope this helps Take care David

My app requires location to work, submission has been rejected because of Guideline 5.1.5