The requirements specify to "Create an interactive scene in a Swift Playgrounds app project that can be experienced within three minutes."
I had some questions about this. First, there is no technical definition for interactive scene that I should be referencing right? Just some sort of interactive model? I also wanted to clarify: this cannot be a book? I know that only iPad versions of Playgrounds can create apps so if we want to create on a Mac, we use Xcode Playground App right? Sorry for the basic question but if we are using Xcode to create the Playground app what is the difference between this and a standard Swift app? Lastly do we only have to have the app work on Mac or iPad or should they work with both/have dynamic sizing.
Basically here are my questions. 1: Interactive scene is very broad right? Are there any specific limitations? 2: Are books eligible? 3: Where can we create the project (Xcode, iPad Playgrounds, etc) 4: What is the difference between this and a standard Swift app? 5: Is the program only being tested on our specified environment or should it be dynamic?
Thank you!
- Yes, it’s a broad term, I think as long as your Playground isn’t completely static, it would qualify as ‘interactive’.
- I’m not very familiar with Playground books, are you able to save/export a book as a swiftpm file?
- Your Swift Playgrounds app project must be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 4.0.2 on iPadOS 15.4 or Xcode 13.3 on macOS 12.3.
- A Playground is generally smaller than an app and is used for prototyping/educational purposes.
- You can design your Playground to run exclusively on Mac or exclusively on iPad. However, If it runs on iPadOS, it must be optimized to display properly on all models of iPad Pro.