receipt total not fulfilled on receipt validation

Hi All I am trying to verify for my site. receipt was done by a subscriber , and we need to get the total and currency and origin so we may calculate tax and revenue for application the we maintain.

trying to verify receipt (using this api :

I do get many details about the subscription , but the specific fiscal data is missing : no total , no tax , no currency , no origin

can someone say if there is a way to get this values from receipt ? and what is it ?

I am using this values :

{ "method": "post", "url": "", "headers": { "Accept": "application/json,application/a-gzip", "Authorization": "Bearer + < token > ", "encoding": "utf8" }, "data": { "method": "POST", "url": "", "params": { "password": "3301aXxxxx....xxxXXXX06980", "exclude-old-transactions": false, "receipt-data": "MIIVtgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIVpzCCFaMCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgXxxxxxx...xxxxxxxXAIBBQIBAQQUQkguVRLVu7Wi " } } }

token is a Java Web Signature (JWS) token generated according to apple documentation

No, that information is not in the receipt.

receipt total not fulfilled on receipt validation