Offer codes for non-consumable in-app purchases

I would like to use offer codes for non-consumable in-app purchases. I think this feature does currently not exist.

Do I have to implement it on my server and within my app? Meaning to create two IAPs per feature, one at the regular price and one at the discounted price, switching between both items via my own in-app offer code?

Thank you for the feedback, we are continually reviewing our features and opportunities for improvements. And if you have further feedback, please continue submitting them to

Did you got a conclusive answer for this? I think you’re right about the non existing part… but it seems weird :)

I also feel weird that this feature does not exist...really need this in my app

I also need this for a certain educational institution that wants my app for their thousands of Macs. I would like to provide it free of charge. This feature will be essential for my use case.

As the App Store Commerce Engineer suggested in this thread, I submitted feedback as FB11830690. If you also agree that this is needed, I want you to submit the same feedback as mine. The more feedback Apple receives, the higher priority they will set for this issue!

They used to. I don’t know why they got rid of it. 😩 I need it back!

Wow this is really quite a problem. Why on earth could we give out promo codes for a subscription but not for non consumables???

Offer codes for non-consumable in-app purchases