Give multiple users Account Holder permissions


we are currently facing some issues where the obvious solution would be to have more than one account owner. But according to this question this is not possible.

This causes some issues for us which seem to be rather universal. But as I can not find any questions regarding this issues I assume that I am missing something.

So in short the question is how other companies have solved the following problem:

  1.  What to do if the Account Holder is on vacation? As only one person can be Account Holder as soon as he is on vacation no configurations can be done until he is back.

  2. We want to separate the responsibilities of the Account Holder into a technical and a finical part. How can this be done?

My first idea was too use a service account which two users share, but because of the two-factor authentication this is also no real solution (as only on user has the mobile phone).

Hello, When it comes to two factor auth, you don't necessarily have to have access to a mobile phone as you can add more numbers to the Apple ID which can be used for 2 factor auth. You could also add your company's landline phone number. So everyone who has access to your office phone could use the 2 factor auth. Maybe that helps...


I confirm that Agent Role (aka Account Holder) is unique in your developer account but you have multiple other roles available to grant the right access to the right people in your organization (and all of these roles can be attribute to as much as necessary collaborators)

In your case, Administrator roles can be given to multiples people and give nearly all access to your account.

For references to all roles and permission :

This is absolutely insane. Sharing passwords is an unacceptable security practice. Only the account holder can accept updates to the terms and conditions. Without accepting the new terms, you can't release any updates to your app. Thus you are stuck either sharing passwords or your account holder has to be on call 24/7 (impossible).

Apple, there are huge companies that develop amazing apps that have made you billions or dollars. Not having basic user management for even small developer teams is unacceptable. What are you doing with all of our developer fees anyway?

I would accept it wouldn't be a such issue if Apple Program License Agreement was not updated so often -_-

Give multiple users Account Holder permissions