Retrieving app first installation date/build ever for a single user on any device

I would like to know if a function is available in Swift or Objective-C for an iOS 14+ application to retrieve the very first installation date of the app from the App Store on any device.

It would be useful for me to grant full access to the app features in the case I introduce the freemium model for my app. I asked aboout this change here

Free app introducing in-app purchase for some features

I want to grant the full functionality to users that installed the free version as I pointed out in a further comment, but no one answered.

I do not know if this is possible without App Store server interrogation, I mean with just an information that is on the device registry because the app is installed, and refers to the first installation ever, not on this device alone, and not being lost with factory reset procedure or similar.

Alternately another useful information would be the most ancient app version or build number that the user got from the App Store ever.

Some suggest to deploy an intermediate version that stores the app version or build number in some persistent user data location.


Retrieving app first installation date/build ever for a single user on any device