How can I download iOS 15.3 for simulator with xcode 13.2.1

Hi everyone,

My app is rejected due to some errors on iPad iOS 15.3. I can't replicate the errors on my iPhone and iPad both with iOS 15.3. So I was trying it on simulator.

With my xcode 13.2.1, the latest iOS version is 15.2. I tried the Components in xcode preference. The latest I can see on the list is iOS 15.0.

Just wondering how can I download the iOS 15.3 for my simulator?

Many Thanks, Michael

Has the same situation

I'm in exactly the same situation.

Facing same issue. Is any one able to download iOS 15.3 simulator?

I'm also in this situation. I have been stuck here for three days so far. Is anyone else using flutter? Reason I ask Maybe flutter is the culprit for the rejections.

Same situation..

There isn’t one; here’s why.

In your specific case, a 15.3 simulator won’t necessarily help since you already have some devices running 15.3.

Also note the current Xcode beta has a 15.4 simulator, which may be worth a try.

Same here... Apple said, 15.3 emulator makes crash. but I don't have 15.3.. and the app is working well on 15.3 real device 15.2 emulator also. How could I test the 15.3 on emulator?! @_@;

Exactly same as me. I've been suffering from irreproducible error almost for a week even though my app work completely fine on my iOS 15.3 devices. The thing driving me crazy is the error may or may not occur depending on the reviewer. I guess it's related to network condition but still don't know what's the exact reason.

@enebin did u manage to solve it with app review team ? my app rejected for sign in with apple crash because of network issue , but its working fine on real devices !

Hi @Flutterninja I use flutter too and getting this 403 error, only on iPad + iOS 15.3

me too.....

same here

How can I download iOS 15.3 for simulator with xcode 13.2.1